Teresa Guillory Lyons, LCSW

Teresa Guillory Lyons, LCSW
Ms. Teresa Guillory, a current therapist and an excellent clinician is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She is a skilled psychotherapist who has served individuals and couples that are aged from late adolescence to senior adulthood.
Teresa has worked in many capacities in mental health, which includes:
- A diverse and wide range of adult clients across the life span struggling with major life transitions
- Helping Men with their unique challenges
- Providing a nurturing therapeutic relationship to those struggling with attachment issues or personality disorders
- Closely monitoring and supporting those who suffer from ongoing depression
- Assisting clients who are experience regression or setbacks to “live their best life now”
- Acting as the family program director in a chemical dependency program
- Teaching anger management to persons struggling with aggression and violence
- Managing the casework and therapy of abused adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems, in residential treatment
- Working as a hospice social worker, providing counseling, comfort, and end-of-life care to persons with terminal diagnoses, and their family members.
Teresa is a native Texan, having attended Baylor University for her undergraduate degree, followed by graduate school at The University of Texas at Austin in the School of Social Work. She began her professional work in mental health in Austin, and then moved to the Dallas area, continuing to work in the mental health field in the North Texas area.
Teresa continues to be fascinated with people and the innumerable ways they live, survive challenges, sorrow and even tragedy, enduring, recovering and even thriving again. She can’t imagine living life without being a part of the endurance and recovery process of those who seek her out as a guide and partner in that process. Ms. Lyons has awe for, and honors, the strength of each person she has worked with; she has learned many important life lessons from her clients.
Her life goals include continuing to try new things and learn new skills, go to new places, have adventures, and share with and teach the things she has had the privilege to learn. Teresa counts photography, jewelry making, collecting rocks and gemstones, fashion, and reading as her hobbies.
She loves vintage shopping, art museums and seeing live musical theater performances with her family and friends, and traveling with her husband.